Renowned clean energy developers AC Power and Citrine Power have reportedly announced to have teamed up with the Borough of Hopatcong to develop a solar power facility on an old New Jersey landfill. Reports cite that the project is currently being reviewed by the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities to obtain Solar Renewable Energy Credits (SRECs) under the New Jersey Solar Act. The Borough of Hopatcong initiated a long-term lease contract with the ACCP NJ Solar, a joint venture (JV) co-owned by the two clean energy developers after a public request for the proposal was made. The agreement enables ACCP NJ Solar to design, interconnect, permit and construct a solar plant on the municipal landfill, cite sources. Construction of the plant would reportedly be financed by the ACCP NJ Solar. For the record, AC Power and Citrine Power are highly experienced in utility and commercial-scale solar development in the northeastern region of the US. Michael Francis, Mayor of the Borough of Hopatcong, reportedly confirmed that the borough will lease 23 acres of government property to the JV. The landfill has been out of commission for over 30 years and costs about $10,000 in maintenance charges. However, the new project will help in offsetting these costs while generating clean energy, Francis added. According to a report by the Solar Industry, the solar plant would sell the generated power to the Jersey Central Power and Light, the Ohio-based electric utility which caters to around 1.1 million customers in northern and central New Jersey. Managing Partner at Citrine Power, Cela Sinay-Bernie reportedly stated that the company congratulates Hopatcong's administration for their resolve to protect the environment while resolving the borough's financial woes with a sustainable solution. President of AC Power, Annika Colston stated that the firm is thrilled to work with Hopatcong to transform the landfill from a liability to a revenue-generating asset. Reportedly, the plant is expected to begin operations by the last quarter of 2019.