Scientists at the Australian National University (ANU) have developed a thin and flexible semiconductor that is partially made from organic materials and can efficiently convert electricity into light. Through this invention, scientists have seemingly noted a way toward manufacturing bendable smartphones. Citing reliable sources, the huge e-waste generated around the world each year is among the major reasons for environmental degradation, which has led to irreversible environmental damage. With this invention, the researchers at ANU, supposedly, have opened a door for a next generation, high performing electronic device which would be biodegradable, while also reducing the e-waste. The inorganic parts of the semiconductor are allegedly made up of two atom thick layers of hydrogen and carbon, while the organic component is only a single atom thick. The hybrid structure, which could be developed into bendable televisions, smart phones and other electronic devices, has reportedly proved to be excellent in converting electricity to light. An associate professor of ANU, Larry Lu, was quoted stating that the development of an ultra-thin electronics component with excellent semiconducting properties is the first of its kind. The flexible, thin organic-inorganic hybrid structure would purportedly encourage future technologies like bendable display screens and mobile phones. Lu further said that they have characterized the electrical and optoelectronic properties of their invention, confirming the huge potential of the technology to be used as a future semiconductor component. Sharma, a PhD researcher of the university, hinted on the higher efficiency of the hybrid semiconductor when compared to the conventional semiconductors. Sharma said that the mobile phones could be made as powerful as today's supercomputers with the integration of this invention. The sharp light emission from the invented semiconductor devices could be used for high-resolution displays, and could also encourage bendable screen smartphones due to its super flexibility, Sharma added further. For the record, the semiconductor was built module by module by the team of researchers in ANU through a process known as chemical vapor deposition.