KP Energy, India's clean energy developer recently announced that it has signed an agreement with the Indian arm of U.S. based industrial conglomerate General Electric. The agreement aims to set up a 300 MW (Megawatt) wind energy project in the Kutch province of Gujrat. The project will utilize 120 wind turbine generators possessing 2.5 MW capacity each and would most probably be authorized to commence in September of 2019. KP Energy in a statement released earlier said that the venture would be connected in Kutch using the ISTS (Inter-State Transmission System) network. Apparently, this clause in in furtherance of the agreement signed by the two companies. KP Energy has already commenced the project's development activities such as lands and permits acquisition, resource mobilization, route surveys and statutory approvals. Reports claim that so far, the company has obtained payments to the tune of INR 28.45 crore towards these activities. KP Energy provides solutions for the implementation of wind energy ventures. The solutions include providing land and permits acquisition, Operation and Maintenance (O&M) of Balance of Plant equipment for wind farms, and Engineering, Procurement, Construction and Commissioning (EPCC). KP Energy wind projects possessing a capacity of total 1,200 MW are currently at varied steps of development. The company became an IPP (Independent Power Producer) in thewind powerdomain contributing to its self-generated assets of about 8.40 MW which was authorized back in 2016-17. In its visions and missions the company states that its mission is to enable and develop green energy systems which are economically viable and independent and states that the key to its success is based on skillfully navigating the winds of change in the power industry. Experts claim that the company's vision to steer the energy transformation trend in the nation makes it a renowned winner in the race for energy in India.