Nucor has been incessantly searching for ways to improve its energy efficiency and reduce environmental impact Nucor's micromill is ready to be established as the first U.S. steel plant to operate on wind energy. This micromill is worth $250 million and situated in Sedalia, Missouri, United States. It is anticipated that the plant will be operational by the end of the year. The plant is being built in collaboration between Nucor and a local utilitycompany, Evergy. Both the companies will sign a 75-megawatt power purchase agreement, after which Evergy will provide power to the plant. As per estimates, steel industry emits a huge amount of carbon dioxide in the environment, precisely around 6% to 7% of the world's greenhouse gas emissions. The establishment of Nucor's microplant is aimed at putting a dent in that figure. Sustainability is becoming a vital target for companies, which may lead to frequent construction of plants like the latest micromill. Chuck Caisley, Senior Vice President, Evergy, reportedly stated that the Midwest is currently the prime location for construction of more projects such as the Nucor micromill. Apparently, the Nucor plant was not initially planned with the aim of using wind energy. It was the reasonable price that resulted in drawing the company to Missouri over other wind-rich states, such as Kansas and Nebraska. The selection of the location was further supported by a law in Missouri under which large buyers of energy, including aluminum and steel producers, can get electricity at discounted rates. The micromill is expected to employ almost 250 people and to utilize energy produced by Evergy. The energy will be supplied from the latest wind farm to operate electric arc furnaces, which will melt down binned steel and convert it into new, recycled steel. Apparently, Evergy has been endeavoring to join hand with various other potential clients to bring in other industrial companies to the Midwest in the ensuing years. Source link: https://www.cnbc.com/2019/12/07/first-us-steel-plants-powered-by-wind-solar-energy-are-coming.html