The center is being backed by UNESCO and would be Europe's first international research center focused around policies and governance for AI The Slovenian government has reportedly unveiled its plans, with official support from UNESCO, for establishing the first international artificial intelligence (AI) research center in Europe. Jožef Stefan Institute (JSI), in Ljubljana, will have its Department of Intelligent Systems converted into a center that focuses on administration and policies surrounding artificial intelligence. Apparently, there are some remarkable accomplishments for the AI industry and research in Slovenia, which includes 'COPCAMS' (cognitive and perceptive cameras) and 'The Event Registry'. The Event Registry is allegedly a system that analyzes text news sources in several languages as well as tracks how news spread from one place to the rest of the world. Beyond tracking, it can predict the reach and development of news, which can be vital information to journalists. Sources familiar with the matter informed that COPCAMS was a partnership between the institutes of seven European countries which include the JSI as well. They developed a network of cameras, known as perceptive and cognitive video systems which can use auditory or visual information to recognize and decide important video streams for transmission. The realistic applications of this network include the usage in surveillance industry, advanced manufacturing, and monitoring of traffic, sources said. Seemingly, Slovenia has a history in the field of AI as far back as 1972 when the research at the University of Ljubljana and JSI first began. In the 90s, there was a continuous development of Slovenian AI research, beginning with 'heuristic search into areas like qualitative reasoning and machine learning. As a result, this period initiated an increase in the presence of Slovenia's researchers and publications in academia. At the event of 70th anniversary of the institute, PM of Slovenia, Marjan Sarec said that Slovenia's expertise and knowledge has been applied for all these years and the quality of knowledge they have possessed in the past as well as have today, is a reason for Slovenians to be proud.