Aalborg CSP, the notable renewable energy specialist of Denmark has launched a collaboration with Smørum Kraftvarme A.m.b.A. to develop a solar district heating facility in the Danish capital area. The plant is designed to cover an area of 11,312 square meters and is the fifth solar thermal system to be constructed by Aalborg CSP in Denmark. The plant has exceeded expectations in tests with its flat panels that can produce 5,568 MWh heat annually and is expected to fulfill the heat and hot water demands of 2,583 consumers. The solar plant is in line with Denmark's ambitious plan to become totally independent of fossil fuels by 2050. In line with the initiative, most combined heat and power and district heating plants are switching to alternate energy resources like biomass or solar. The MD at Smørum Kraftvarme A.m.b.A., Jan Møller has been quoted by reliable sources to say that a significant milestone has been reached with the solar district heating facility that is a further step towards creating a green and efficient means of energy supply. He added that the solar plant from Aalborg CSP will not only facilitate the stabilizing of fluctuating energy prices but also bring down the city's CO2 emissions by 1,100 tons annually while adding to its green profile. The launch of the solar district heating facility also reveled in the noteworthy performance data logged during test productions in Spring. Danish weather records in May also claimed the solar plant to provide 40% more energy than was initially anticipated and cover nearly 100% of the hot water and heat requirements of the city. Previously in the year Aalborg CSP had supported a €45 million ($55.2 million) renewable energy facility. The facility has been designed to produce both sustainable heat and power with advanced solar energy system that was provided by Aalborg CSP. This facility is also a part of the cost-competitive renewable energy production project.